Mod dota 2 terbaru
Mod dota 2 terbaru

mod dota 2 terbaru

Medium bots are allowed to use Phase Boots, Force Staff, and Orchid Malevolence. Medium bots are also better at detecting whether a hero is an illusion. Their reaction time is faster, making their last hits more precise, and if played in practice/single player mode, only the allied bots will deny creeps. Medium bots are almost identical to easy bots in terms of play-style, with a few exceptions.Also, Easy bots are unable to detect whether a hero is an illusion or not. Easy bots will not attempt to "stun-lock" enemy humans/bots, nor will they try to interrupt channeling spells. Easy bots will generally not attempt to gank other lanes, and will only group up in small groups to push or defend. Neither allied nor enemy Easy bots will deny creeps. Easy bots are different to passive bots, as they willingly attack other heroes and use abilities/items (with the exception of Phase Boots, Force Staff, and Orchid Malevolence), but usually at a slow/delayed pace, and their last hit timing is not as accurate as on higher difficulties.If an allied human player disconnects, a bot on the opposing team will return to the fountain and stop playing, until the player has returned. Passive bots will never use their abilities/items. They will not try to last hit nor deny, and sometimes will stick to the tower. Passive bots will lane passively, and will not attack players, bot or human, except when they see an allied human player/other bot attack their enemies.Bots come in 5 different difficulties (Passive, Easy, Normal, Hard, Unfair).

Mod dota 2 terbaru