The video below shows you how to get to these secrets. Run from the entrance of the green room to this platform very quickly as it is timed.

Inside that room, there is a platform on the left that goes up and down like an elevator. You're going to have to run from the entrance to the same hidden area you just came from. Go in there ad grab the items, then go back to the entrance to the green room (the way you entered from the beginning of the level. Go back to the previous room (green-tinted room) and as soon as you enter the main part of the room, look right, and you will see an area that opened up. Next, go through the door at the end of the hallway and kill the Imp in the next room, this will open a tunnel in the previous room. Press A on the discolored section on the wall to your right to open the hidden passage. Kill the enemies in the room and walk to the end of the room, you will see a piece of the wall a different color on your right in the hallway leading to the door. When you reach the wall, turn around and look on the right.The first secret in level 1 is going to be right after the room with the green tint in it. trophies, and secrets for Cyberpunk 2077 for PlayStation 4 (PS4). Jump down to the left and head up the stairs, killing the enemies as you go. Table of Contents Classic Doom Levels Demon Destruction Mini-Game Super Turbo Turkey. Head through and keep following the path. Head forward at the start and press the button to open the door. You will find this enemy throughout the level, there is no specific area to get it. You have to get them into a glory kill state and then aim at their right leg before doing a melee attack. The Hell Razer enemy glows red and fires lasers at you.Sweep the Leg: Perform 4 "Leg Sweep" glory kills on the Hell Razer The powerups are Quad Damage 4, Invulnerability, Haste, and Quad Damage 5 There are 4 areas that contain a powerup you can use the contribute to the 10 kills, so this shouldn't be hard to get.Momentum Swing: Kill 10 demons while using powerups Following this walkthrough will show you how to get them all. There are 4 Elite Guards in the level to get these tokens from.(15 points) Rip and Tear - Complete any level on. (10 points) Burning Out of Control - Complete any level with 100 kills, items, and secrets in single player. 1 guide Kadingir Sanctum (Level 6) Challenges Doom II: Hell on Earth (Xbox 360) Most of the Doom II achievements are named after lines from the infamous Doom comic : Just Getting Started - Complete any level in single player.