Mount and blade warband marshall
Mount and blade warband marshall

If you are not the marshall, you may occasionally receive orders from him when he starts a new military campaign. Controversy also plays a significant role.

mount and blade warband marshall

In Warband, all of the vassals give their opinions to the leader, but there is no formal voting process. If you are factionless and then accept a faction leader's offer of servitude, marshall elections very often happen soon after you take your vows (within a few game days or even hours). On the other hand, if you start off the game as a factionless bandit-hunter, rack up 1500+ Renown, then join a faction, you are almost guaranteed to get the title even if you've never spoken to any of the lords before. If your Renown is low, you may have a hard time being considered for Marshall even if your standing with the faction is 100. Your standing with your faction or your friendship with particular lords seems to be of secondary importance. The marshall isn't always elected, and sometimes the monarch will appoint a new one, especially if the current marshall has been defeated or captured. If you win the election, you become the new marshall and your opponent will like you less (-3). If you are a candidate, the voting will progress in much the same way, except you don't get to cast a vote yourself. If your Renown is high enough, you may be given the option to be a candidate, which you may refuse. The candidate you vote for will like you more (+2) and the one you didn't vote for will like you less (-2), regardless of which one wins. If you are a vassal, you may cast one vote as well.

mount and blade warband marshall

Two candidates will be listed and every other lord of that faction will cast one vote for one of the two candidates.

mount and blade warband marshall

In the original game, the King periodically calls a vote to choose the new marshall. The title defaults to the Monarch, but will generally be assigned to one of the Vassals of that faction. The Marshall is the military commander of a faction.

Mount and blade warband marshall